Royal Bank / RBC Visa Customer Support/Help Telephone Numbers

RBC Royal Bank Visa Card Customer Support

Unhappy with your RBC Visa Card? Just remember, there are plenty of other cards out there! You don't have to get a card from your regular day-to-day bank!

Since Royal Bank has so many different products and services, I created this page with (almost) JUST their phone numbers for credit card support.

If you have a complaint, or suggestion for other cardholders to get better deals/upgrades, please leave a comment!

Here's a neat trick: When you call the toll-free RBC numbers, they put you through all of these prompts and then put you on hold. When you call the 416 "collect" number, they give you a welcome message, a disclaimer, and right away transfer you to a bilingual rep. So, if you want to save a ton of time, just make that long distance call (which should just cost you ~3cents/minute anyway). No more waiting on hold!

(We previously learned this "don't call the toll-free number" trick with TD's Visa Credit Card)

RBC Credit Cards Customer Service Telephone Numbers:

  • General Inquiries: 1-800-769-2512 or call collect: 416-974-7780  ---> Use these numbers for Credit Limit Increases as well
  • Lost or Stolen Cards: 1-800-361-0152 or collect: 514-392-9167
  • Verified by Visa® (Reg. Trademark of Visa) or MasterCard SecureCode: 1-800-769-2512
  • BalanceProtector® insurance (Reg Trademark of respective owner) — Assurant Solutions (Why would you buy this service???): 1-888-896-2766
  • InfoProtector~ Card Registry: 1-877-773-7774
  • Credit Card Applications: 1-800-769-2511
  • Classic — RBC Insurance: 1-800-511-4607
  • Royal Direct: 1-800-769-2511
  • RBC Royal Bank Travel Redemption Centre: 1-877-636-2870
  • Talk&Save™ (Trademark of RBC): 1-877-769-2566
  • Esso Call Centre: 1-800-567-3776
  • Starbucks Call Centre: 1-800-782-7282
  • WestJet Call Centre: 1-888-937-8538
  • Asia Miles Points Redemption: 1-877-631-6283
  • RBC Royal Bank® Visa* CreditLine for Small Business™ & Visa Expense Insurance Inquiries: 1-800-426-5333
  • British Airways Executive Club Points Redemptions: 1-800-452-1201
If you have complaints or suggestions that you'd like to air out to the world, please post them here!

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Overcharge from BELL CANADA

My name is JIRI VOSTREL Card #4514011600932881 I would like to cancel prepayment only for BELL Canada I was overcharged inJuly16/2014 for $20.15 and in August this year for 18.60.I call them twice and I cennot get a proper answer always told me we will call you back and never did Only sent a survey Please stop any payment from BELL Canada Iwill pay by chegue Thanks Jiri Vostrel

I wonder what consumer

I wonder what consumer protections these cards come with. Maybe I should get some additional insurance in Calgary.

problem with Royal Bank of Baku

Dear Sir/Madam

This is shahram from Iran.

In Jan 2012 received a visa card from Royal bank of Baku in Azerbaijan.

After one month Royal bank of Baku said that bank is bankrupt. We went from our country (Iran) to Azerbaijan.

A person in bank (Miss Jamileh) said us that you must write about this matter and sign and after 1 year we will contact you about this problem.

We wondered because we needed our money and now they say 1 year later we will inform you that you can take it or not!!

We went to ADIF office which is insurance office of Royal bank and talk with Mr. Elchin Niftiyev (his e-mail & his land number: 00994-12-5966591 ext 105 & his mobile number: 00994 50 234 60 40 ) and he check in his system.

He said I am confused because your cards is for Royal and issue through Royal bank with 16 digit number and with your name which is match with your passport but in our systems this account is for another people.

Mr. elchin checked all of our cards (we were 10 people there) and said the same.

Again we came back to bank and talk with all staff in there but they said we don't know anything about this problem.

Finally a gentleman who his name was Mr.murad ( his mobile number 00994 50 671 55 99 & his e-mail address is said us it is a big problem for all Iranians .

We went to back office of royal bank and talk with Mr.ahad with Mobil number of 0099 45 58 59 33 59 and he played with us and said tomorrow and again tomorrow said us I don't know and Mrs. Golshan know and she is in trip now.

It was so bad play with us.

We said that we need a meeting with Mr. ALI JAM which is owner of bank and he is citizen of U.S.A and he must answer to us about this problem and must pay us back our money. But they said you cannot.

The staff of royal bank played with us for 3 days.

We went to AG bank and explain this matter to them.

It was wonderful for them too that we have visa& Master card from royal bank of Baku with 16 digit number and exp date and security number with our name but in system of central bank of Baku these accounts are with another name.

And finally we came back to Iran without any money.

Please please help us

We ( More than 2500 Iranians) have visa card from Royal bank of Baku in Azerbaijan

I have 1990 euro in my account .

My visa cards are with my own name and family.

It is not according to visa rules and it is so bad records for visa and Royal bank too.

Waiting for your answer as soon as possible

Best Regards

Avion Visa complaint

I was in Bangkok Thailand and was taken by some professional scam artists, once I got online and discovered who they were I contacted RBC Avion Visa immediately. I was advised to go directly to the police and register the complaint and discovered this merchant Volee/Glorious Tailors were a notorious scam. They were well know by the police and I filed my complaint. The police advised I not return to return for a refund as it may be dangerous and I spent all day in translation etc to document the situation. When I returned to Canada I discovered that RBC had paid the merchant anyway. When I filed a complaint, they investigated and said that I signed an agreement and because I did not pick up the product, I was billed over ($1,000 ) to my card. Their advice was to seek justice through the better business bureau and I was out the money. I argued that I identified the scam immediately and the web sites that listed all the cons by the merchant and inquired why RBC made payment and it was on their advice to go to the police. I have taken this to RBC Visa and have had no satisfaction, they are standing behind the scam artists and billing me. When I asked for records of complaint against this merchant they could not supply

I am in the process of cancelling my Visa with RBC and associated accounts. As a card holder you have no protection if you are honest, better to say your card was stolen and make them prove it was not. I am


could you provide me with the contact phone number from uk to north vanouver

prepaid visa card

Q#1 How do I find out how much value is still on the card?
Q#2 What happens to my money on the expiry date?

Visa chip technology

I have a debit card and visa card with RBC. Since I received the debit card with chip technology I have twice left it at stores, for the simple reason that one has to let go of the card. I much prefer the stripe as it always stays in my hand. Can you come up with some way of making the machines beep to remind the customer to take it out of the machine.
Thank you

Customer Service is a major hassle!

I've been trying to resolve a disputed charge since October. It should be a simple issue, but has turned into a major time sink for me with many phone calls and documents back and forth. After finally thinking the matter was almost closed, I just received another letter which clearly doesn't understand the problem we already discussed. Is there anyone that can actually solve this issue at RBC? Your Customer Service has been horrible and at this point the only time I feel like spending with you on the phone is canceling my card!

Customer Service is a hassle

I have been waiting since Sept /13 for a disputed charge to be resolved. I completed forms as requested. Emailed and then sent them by mail as per the customer representative suggestion.
Multiple phone calls to the 1800 on back of card. There is no one available to speak to other than customer service. I was last told that cs does not have the screen that displays the action on a dispute.
I am considering sharing this with gift giver as he is not aware of the issue. RBC debit card will losing a good customer.


Visa Gift Cards

I have been a long time Royal Bank and Visa customer. This year I thought that Visa Gift Cards for my four children would be a good idea. I enquired at the bank as to weather the cards had an expirey date, and advised they did not. The time wasting procedure at the bank was amazing, recording, photostating, entering items seperatly manually and via computer. At no time was I informed that there was a fee for the cards until it was time to pay,at which time I was presented with a holder containing the contract information. Indicating


This a Christmas gift to family, the last time for me through RBC Visa. Maybe they ought to take a look at the Tim Card for some ideas

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