Who Keeps Calling From 866 301 5302? A Fido Marketing Telephone Call

1-866-301-5302 Is a Fido Cellular Service Marketing Number.

They (or someone they contract with) are probably trying to sell you stuff or an upgrade. Which you probably don't need. It is possible that you might even need to pay to answer this call, and even if you don't, it is time out of your day, and your time is valuable.

You can actually remove yourself by calling the number back and following the automated prompts. To really stick it to them, call from a pay-phone, doing so costs them an extra $1 or something like that.

Maybe even time to start searching for a new cell phone provider...

Finally, consider adding the phone number to your cell phone's directory, and then assigning it a "silent" ring tone, that way you won't run across your house/apartment to just ignore a phone call. 

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Anoying Phone Call

I was really surprised that Atelka called me, i was surprised that someone i don't know call my number, im having lots of reception with my iphone 3G, i dont ear good news about the Iphone 4, i really doubt i'll renew with fido.

J'ai ete tres surpris de me faire appeller par un telemarketer je suis content d'avoir rater l'appel.
Jai des troubles de reception avec fido, ca a commencer 2 mois avant la sortie du iphone 4, impossible de faire des appels et des appels qui "lache" .

Je ne pense pas renouveller avec Fido.

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this number keeps calling

this number keeps calling me, ask them to stop -1866-301-5302

1 866-301-5302

1 866-301-5302 is Atelka, hired by Fido to sell you some upgrade and other useless stuff. This company will continue to call you even you instruct them to stop. Does Fido will credit our airtime we lost?

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